Niiws us um Hüüs, Communication 17

Corona time, is it over or not? As it is, this “C-thing” doesn’t really want to go away.

I can’t get one memory from my Corona days out of my head: I was allowed to drink wine, I didn’t have to drink wine. Let these words melt in a glass of wine…. The glass is best filled with a salconio. The ideal wine for philosophizing.

In our profession, it is difficult to distinguish the “must” and “may” in the enjoyment of wine. Personally, I experience moments when I would gladly give up the pleasure of wine. Fortunately, today many wines are good, there are few bad wines.

When listlessness and fusel wine come together, it’s a bit of a disaster. If this moment is topped off with unsympathetic fellow drinkers, the negative spiral is perfect.

Two conclusions:
– Life is too short to drink bad wines
– Wine is best drunk only with sympathetic and kind people.

Santé and see you soon
