Niiws us um Hüüs, Communication 24

It “wimdet”. Beautiful weather, warm, sunny, grapes smiling at the “Wimdenden” (grape harvest end). Beautiful, that gives pleasure.

First fermented wines, there is something beautiful coming up. In this particular year, a bright spot. At the grape reception it is significantly quieter, we have not set up our “wimder bar” and so there is less common conversation about the grapes and other life. Actually a pity, but just, also our grape suppliers and we want to stay healthy.

Work is being done quietly, last year’s wines are being tasted in the Carnotzet, it’s on.

The new installations prove themselves, a few adjustments here and there, peace, joy, fendant, sorry, pirouette.

All the problems are not solved yet, but the excellent quality, the again increasing sales figures please us.

What else can I write? About the problems of the Swiss wine industry? No, the past year has scared us enough, we want to look forward with enthusiasm.

When I visited another great wine region before the harvest, I was told, “The first 100 years are difficult, then it works”. Well, we’ll soon have that too.

