One hare… pardon: nose length ahead.

“I have Easter every day. I’m always looking for something.” This bon mot, the author is unfortunately unknown to me, fits wonderfully to our Rhoneblut issue today. For example, if you are looking for high pleasure at a low price. Then we recommend you take a look at the enclosed sheet with special offers, including an Easter discount of 10%.

Or if you’re looking for the ideal liquid companions for the upcoming grilling season. In the assortment of Albert Mathier & Söhne AG you will find quite a few. We present four that we think are a particularly good fit on page 2.

And if you are looking for in-depth wine knowledge, entertaining information, meaningful quotes and interesting news, the Rhoneblut newspaper should be among your favorite reads anyway. At least we hope so.

Either way, we already wish you – see the title of this editorial – a Happy Easter and a wonderful start to the warm season.

Amédée Mathier