5 a.m.: Time for a glass of Rhoneblut®.

No, no, don’t worry. We do not want to encourage alcoholism here. But 5 a.m. in our longitudes means plus or minus happy hour in Australia. In other words: time for the aperitif.

Why Rhoneblut®, you ask? Because in Turramurra, Australia, there is a restaurant called “The Matterhorn” that serves nine fine wines from the Albert Mathier & Sons wine family to go with its wonderful Swiss cuisine. We introduce you to the gourmet oasis on the fifth continent on page 2.

Things are more local on page 3. In the Pfyn-Finges Nature Park there are countless scenic treasures and mysterious places to discover. From the wild Rhone to glaciers, from flowery meadows to cliffs, it offers a unique spectrum of flora, fauna, culture and cuisine. Among them the products of wine producers from the region. Our company is represented, among other things, by the – appropriately named – Parkwein®. Its environmentally friendly and innovative manufacturing process accurately reflects the values of the Natural Park.

Amédée Mathier