The 17 we will be a big year with small quantity.

The trend of the first wimder week has been confirmed and continued. Hopes that the spring frost might be less severe have not been realized.

I don’t want to make any predictions myself, but if I listen to my dear competitors and compare it with the amount of grapes we have in the cellar, we will have a maximum of half a harvest. And well appreciated.

We will still be able to benefit from the beautiful 16 crop that will carry us into 2018. And then we hope for a good budding in the spring of 2018. Then, with an early 2018 harvest, we could get the wines out early….

With a bit of luck… Petrus is, after all, a Valaisan, even if he let us down last spring. Maybe we had too many beautiful wimden?

On to the last week of harvest.