Niiws us um Hüüs, Communication 19

Was that another week. We were mainly in the vineyard, a photographer accompanied us. One or the other picture will surely appear here. The joy of our vineyards is great and we know the nooks and crannies and beautiful places in our vineyards, but it is always interesting when we are out with photographers what else they find special.

The harvest preparations are in full swing, the tour of the vineyards is still the smaller, but nicer part. Especially in a vine year like this one, where everything fits, sun, temperature, water, the young grapes and vines are full of energy.

In the basement, things get a little more complicated. In a venerable cellar that will soon be 100 years old, there is always something to do. Renovation is one issue, adaptation to modern vinification techniques is another. The tools make our work easier and we have more time to take care of the welfare of the wine. Mainly mechanical aids are used. We have internal “transport logistics”: grape comes to the reception, from there to the press, the juice goes to the barrel, comes to the filter and back to the barrel and then at some point to the bottling machine, then to the bottle warehouse and then hopefully to them.

This year the renovation of the energy supply is on the agenda. We are installing about 200 square meters of photovoltaics for electricity production, which should allow us to cover one third of our energy needs. More steps toward clean energy will follow.

Sun in the wine, sun on the photovoltaic, sun in the glass, sun in the heart – what could be better?

Santé & see you soon.
