New wine in new wineskins.

As Matthew (no, not the footballer) put it a long, long time ago: “Nor do you pour new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise the wineskins will burst, the wine will be spilled, and the wineskins will be spoiled.”

We have taken this to heart. And – as you will have noticed at first glance – we have given our newsletter a new look. Four pages devoted to editorial. Interesting and informative. Interesting and entertaining. Partly regular, recurring columns, such as a guest commentary, the assessment of an oenologist and an interview with one of our customers. In addition, always the latest from our vineyards and the Salgesch region.

You will find our current special offers, low prices and discounts on a separate, enclosed sheet from today’s Rhoneblut issue onwards.
I hope you enjoy reading it. And in profiting.

Amédée Mathier