“And why are you buying from us?”

Romina Gasser (29) from Buchs SG, a dispatcher, loves spending time with her friends, going out, enjoying a fine meal and going to open-air concerts.

RB: Can you remember when, how and where you got a taste for wine?

RG: I don’t remember exactly, but I think I slowly approached wine drinking in my early 20s. At first, it was mostly white wine that I enjoyed drinking. In the meantime, however, I have discovered my love for red wine and would even prefer it to a white.

Rhoneblut: What comes to mind spontaneously when you hear “Swiss wine”?

Romina Gasser: I associate Swiss wine above all with good quality and the finest wine enjoyment.

RB: And with the term “Valais wines”?

RG: It makes me think of an idyllic vineyard in Valais on a sunny slope, where the grapes are handpicked. This reminds me of my childhood, when I myself helped to harvest the grapes of acquaintances.

RB: And to “Albert Mathier & Söhne AG”?

RG: One of the best wine producers from Valais.

RB: Please tell us about your wine highlight of the last twelve months, a special moment of pleasure with a Mathier wine.

RG: This summer I had a particularly nice moment with the Farinet. I was invited to friends and we let a warm summer evening with this rosé, which I had brought as a hostess gift.

RB: And what if it’s not wine?

RG: Then it can be a wheat beer or a gin and tonic.

RB: What is your personal top 5 list of wines? You do not have to limit yourself to wines from our house…

RG: My absolute favorite wine is the Merlot from Mathier. Otherwise, I like to drink Pinot noir, especially French, but also sometimes a Rhone blood. Or on warm summer days, a glass of chilled Farinet or Matua Sauvignon blanc.

RB: If you had to choose: white, red or rosé?

RG: Red. Nothing beats a good glass of red wine at the end of the day or with a fine meal.

RB: Heavy or light?

RG: Both. It depends on the occasion or the menu.

RB: Switzerland, France, Italy, Spain, USA or Australia?

RG: France and Switzerland, with the exception of the aforementioned Matua from New Zealand.

RB: And last but not least: Why do you buy wine from the Albert Mathier & Sons wine family?

RG: Quite simply: Because they taste good to me. The quality is convincing. And the products of the wine family Albert Mathier & Sons have something very unique. I maintain that in a blind test I would recognize the Mathier wine.